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We understand that embarking on an architectural project can come with many questions. Our FAQ section is here to provide you with clear, concise answers to the most common queries about our services. Whether you’re curious about our design process, fees or project timelines, we have the information you need.


  • What do Architects do?
    An Architect's role is a lot larger than most people realise. Architects are responsible for designing and planning buildings and other structures, ensuring they are functional, aesthetically pleasing, compliant with building codes, regulations, zoning laws and more. Their process begins with understanding the client's needs, vision, goals, preferences, and requirements. They create detailed plans and drawings that outline the layout, appearance, and functionality of the structure. Architects check land titles, easements, they ensure compliance with building and safety regulations, local regulations.

    Architects act as the lead consultant throughout the project, coordinating with engineers, contractors, and other specialists to integrate various elements smoothly. They manage the project lifecycle, including planning, budgeting, and monitoring progress, to ensure a high-quality result within the specified timeframe and budget.

    During the design stages, architects conduct detailed consultations to develop initial concept designs, which are refined into comprehensive plans. In the construction documentation phase, architects prepare detailed drawings and specifications and assist with obtaining necessary permits. Throughout construction, architects review builder claims and address any on-site issues that arise. Post-construction, they conduct final inspections and assist with the handover, ensuring any defects are rectified and the project meets the client's expectations.

  • ​How much do architectural services cost?

    Architectural fees can vary based on the scope, complexity, and type of project, as well as the project budget. For full design services—from the first meeting to moving into your new property—fees typically range between 10-15% of the estimated construction cost. This would span the entire design and construction period.

    For example, if you’re constructing a new beach house with an estimated construction cost of $1.5M, and the architect’s fee is set at 10%, this would amount to around $150K, spread across each stage of the project during the design and construction period. Specialist design services and renovation projects may have higher fees due to their unique requirements.

    To get a clearer understanding of the work involved in transforming a blank page into a building that stands the test of time, check out our FAQ on "What do Architects do?"

  • Can an Architect help with me with Planning and Building Permits? 

    Definitely! Architects are the lead consultant for both the Planning and Building Permit processes on any given project. In addition to creating the vision and documenting the plans, the architect typically manages the planning/building permit process for clients and coordinates work between consultants. Specialist consultants may be required for your project such as Town Planners, Building Surveyors, Structural Engineers, Traffic Engineers and the like who's advise and work is integrated into the design by the Architect. 

    The Architectural Drawings submitted for planning and building permits are crucial documents reviewed by authorities. As such, Architects play a central role in guiding the design and managing the permit process.

  • Do I Need an Architect?
    The question is more - how important is design to you out of 10 for the space you want to create? 10 being vital, 0 not at all... Your answer will determine if you need an architect or not. We don't typically work with anyone that scores less than at least 7. 
    "Price is what you pay, value is what you get" Warren Buffet.

    Architects play a crucial role in delivering solutions that align with your needs and goals, balancing various elements to achieve the best possible outcome for your project. They aim to design within your budget, serve as advocates to make sure your interests are heard, and strive to incorporate your dream features while considering budget and time constraints.
    Architects specialise in making spaces functional, reflect your personal style, and solve complex design and construction challenges creatively. 

    While it might seem like hiring a draftsman or doing the design yourself could save money, a good architect can actually help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure that your project is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Architects are trained to foresee potential issues and provide solutions that save time and money in the long run.

  • Should I hire an Architect or a Design-Build Company for My Project?

    If a builder designed a suit for you, would you wear it? Probably not. Builders are construction experts, while architects are design experts. Each professional brings their own expertise, and choosing between an architect and a design-build company depends on your project’s needs.

    Architects have extensive training and are responsible for ensuring their designs comply with building regulations while providing a unique solution within your budget. They work with you throughout the project, from initial concept to final build.

    Design-build companies may not have the same level of training as architects. While they can create plans, they might not interpret your brief as thoroughly as an architect to deliver the best outcome. They may prioritize quick construction and use more standard designs that aren't customized to your specific site or needs.

    If you seek a unique, well-thought-out design tailored to your needs and want someone guiding you through the entire project, an architect might be the better choice. Conversely, if these aspects are less critical, a design-build company might suit your needs. Ultimately, the decision should reflect your vision, budget, and desired outcome for the project.

  • How long does it take to complete a design project? 

    The time it takes to complete a project primarily depends on the development size, project complexity, planning regulations and building type. For a typical residential home a timeframe of around 9-12 months for design and documentation work followed by another 12 months for construction is fairly common. Larger and more complex developments make take longer due to both authority and additional consultant inputs required. 

    At the start of each project, we create a indicative design programme that highlights key milestones and estimated timeframes so you have a better picture of the road ahead. The programme is updated as more information comes to hand so are informed of any changes along the way. 

  • Can you work within my budget? 

    Our goal is to provide you with the best possible result at a price point that suits you. From our very first meeting, we'll discuss an broad list of services typically required across a project lifecycle and outline the associated costs, giving you a comprehensive overview. This includes not just construction costs, but the total cost of works, covering aspects such as architects' fees, consultant fees, specialist consultants' fees, authority fees, and GST, among others.

    Therefore, from early on in the process,  we get a good idea if the project is feasible or if we need to adjust the scope to align with your budget expectations. To ensure accuracy, we require either a Quantity Surveyor or Builder to provide updated estimated construction costs at each project stage. As more detail is added to the design over time, these estimates become progressively more precise. We also proceed to the next design stage only once you are comfortable with the estimated cost of works and require your sign-off at each stage before moving forward. This process ensures you have a clear understanding of costs and allows us to adjust the design as needed to align with your budget, giving you peace of mind that the final design is affordable for you.

  • How involved will I be in the design process?

    We prioritise good communication to ensure a successful project and understand that every client has different preferences for their involvement. We keep you informed with regular updates and include you in important communications with consultants, contractors, and authorities. Meetings can be scheduled in person or online based on your convenience.

    Whether you want to be deeply involved in every detail or just informed of major milestones, we tailor our approach to suit your style. Your ideas and feedback are important to us, and we adjust our communication to ensure your satisfaction and comfort throughout the design and construction journey.

  • What happens if I want to make changes during the construction phase?

    Making changes during the design or construction phase is more manageable and cost-effective if addressed early. We focus on resolving the design as much as possible during the pre-design and early design phases to avoid additional costs and delays later. However, we understand that changes can sometimes be necessary due to unforeseen circumstances or client requests.

    When changes are needed, we review and evaluate the proposed modifications, clarify the costs, and seek your approval before updating the necessary documentation. Our goal is to accommodate your needs while minimising disruptions and maintaining transparency throughout the process. We aim to handle any changes efficiently, keeping your project on track and ensuring your satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t Find What You’re Looking For?

If you have a question that’s not covered here, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly. We’re always here to help and ensure you have all the information you need for a successful project.

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